Saturday, December 17, 2011

Who Is the Best Magician Ever?

Who is the best magician who ever lived? What makes them the best magician of all times?


  1. Of all times - I have to go with Gazzo. He's older, performed for many years, can perform anywhere - on the street or in a theatre setting.
    Who else could turn a simple cups and balls trick into a 20 minute stomach hurting laugh a thon?

  2. Gazzo is incredible! He also brought the true art of magic and busking together!

  3. David Copperfield, has always been on the top of my list as the best magician for many, many reasons. Today, I get to add another! He decided to give away autographed books for the Holiday Season. He chose me to receive one of those books.

    It really does not help him sell more tickets or become a bigger star by giving a few books away. It is nice to see someone who really made it big take the time to give back his time and efforts to his fans.

    Thanks DC!

  4. Congratulations! I don't know which is better, a free book, or an autograph from a televised famous magician.
